Right now, we are facing the catastrophes of a rigged democracy, global pandemic, growing wealth inequality, racial injustice, and the escalating impacts of the climate crisis. We’re fighting back. People like you are leading local Indivisible groups across Colorado. Be part of history—join the Indivisible movement.

Indivisible Colorado received a Grow Grant from National Indivisible to distribute palm cards across the state aimed at providing independent and non-MAGA voters with accurate information about what’s at stake in the Nov election! This first card focuses on women’s reproductive rights and the economy.  The idea is to pass out these cards to friends and neighbors, post them on bulletin boards in coffee shops and libraries, and pass them out at events.  You could even drop them at each door in an apartment complex, since data tells us that apartment dwellers lean left, but they may not yet be paying attention to the election.  Here are more ways to distribute our cards.

If you or your local Indivisible group are interested in helping to get the word out, contact Averi at [email protected] for your free cards! We will be disseminating them all summer and fall!

Take Action

Daily actions add up! When we coordinate calls to elected officials they listen. Sign up for weekly calls to action here.

Find Friends

There are local groups across Colorado. Make sure to find your group. Click below to find your friends.

Give Where You Live

Help us build power and protect progressive values right here in Colorado. Donate to our organization below.

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”

Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings

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